Please contact us for our domestic adoption and ICPC services. For California families, we can complete home study and post-adoption services for Hague accredited agencies.
Life Adoption Services, Inc.
Lic.# 300605740 & 300608001
Life Adoption Services, Inc.
Lic.# 300605740 & 300608001
"We are Hague Accredited through COA"
The Council on Accreditation (COA), a national accrediting entity designated by the US Department of State to provide Hague Accreditation and Approval, invites the public to provide comment on intercountry adoption service providers seeking Hague Accreditation, Approval or Renewal. You are invited to provide comments through COA’s website at:
Members of:
Founded in 1984
Life Adoption Services, Inc. is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3), CA Licensed, Full Service Domestic Adoption Agency.
We provide Domestic Adoption, Homestudy, Post Placement, and ICPC services to our California families.
Joan Le Jeune is the Agency's Founder and Executive Director. She is the proud Mother of three...two of her daughters were adopted from Korea...and grandmother of three children.
Our staff is comprised of caring, understanding individuals who have personal experience in adoption. You are in very knowledgeable and capable hands!
Life Adoption Services, Inc. is also licensed for foster care services.
If you would like more information, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.